Peter Santenello Wiki , net worth, age, height, family & more facts

peter santenello


Peter Santenello



Birthday: October 9, 1978

Age: 43 years, 1 months and 10 days

Birthplace: United States

Nationality: American

Full name: Peter Santenello

Peter Santenello is an American content creator whose mission is to create eye-opening videos about countries and communities that are misrepresented in the mainstream media.

He started his YouTube channel in 2009 and his blog in 2015. As of November 2021, Peter Santenello’s YouTube channel has more than 87 million views and more than 820,000 subscribers.

Peter Santenello also shares his content on FB, Instagram and Patreon.


Spouse and children

Peter Santenello is married to his wife Natalia.

He proposed her on Valentine’s Day in 2020. You may see the special moment in this video.

Peter Santenello with his wife Natalia

Peter Santenello with his wife Natalia (photo source)

Net worth

Peter Santenello‘s net worth is estimated at $1,200,000.

  • Salary: It is estimated that Peter Santenello has a yearly income of $300,000.
  • Source of wealth: YouTube, Patreon, Facebook and sponsorships

Net worth over the years

Year Net worth
2022 TBA
2021 $1.2 million
2020 $1 million


If you want to support Peter Santenello, here is how you can do that.

Contact details of Peter Santenello will be listed below if available.


Here is the list of schools, courses and seminars that Peter Santenello attended or completed.

Primary school

High school


  • University of Nevada-Reno (Bachelor’s degree, English Literature)



Peter Santenello speaks English, Russian and Spanish.


  • When Peter Santenello returned to the US after visiting 50 countries between 2002. and 2004. he said that the countries that he liked the most are Republic of Georgia, Serbia and Tajikistan.
  • Peter Santenello and his wife live in South Florida.
  • Peter and Natalia Santenello have a small dog named Little-Z.