Dolph Lundgren Wiki , net worth, age, height, family & more facts

dolph lundgren


Dolph Lundgren



Birthday: November 3, 1957

Age: 63 years, 11 months and 19 days


Nationality: Swedish

Full name: Hans Lundgren

Hans Lundgren, also known as Dolph Lundgren, is a Swedish Actor who started his career in 1978.


Spouse and children

Dolph Lundgren has 2 daughters, Greta Lundgren and Ida Lundgren.

Parents and siblings

Dolph Lundgren’s father is Karl Lundgren.
Dolph Lundgren’s mother is Brigitta Lundgren.

Dolph Lundgren has 2 sisters, Katharina Lundgren, Annika Lundgren and a brother, Johan Lundgren.

Net worth

Dolph Lundgren‘s net worth is estimated at $18,000,000.

  • Salary: It is estimated that Dolph Lundgren has a yearly income of $420,000.
  • Source of wealth: Actor career

Net worth over the years

Year Net worth
2022 TBA
2021 $18,000,000
2020 $17,500,000

Height and weight

  • Height in feet and cm: 196
  • Weight in lbs and kg: 110


If you want to support Dolph Lundgren, here is how you can do that.

Contact details of Dolph Lundgren will be listed below if available.


Here is the list of schools, courses and seminars that Dolph Lundgren attended or completed.


  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Washington State University
  • Clemson University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • The University of Sydney


Dolph Lundgren speaks English.